Brave or Smart? 5 Powerful Ways to Harness, Combine and Utilize the Extensive Power in The Two Traits to Bring forth a Powerful You!

Brave or Smart? 5 Powerful Ways to Harness, Combine and Utilize the Extensive Power in The Two Traits to Bring forth a Powerful You!

It’s said to succeed you have to take risks.

Some risks work,

Some backfire and might even land you in trouble!

But how does someone who has been brave all their lives maneuver this!


Written by Teacher Amos from The Roots Television and video version presented by The Senior Bishop School of Life Ministries.

How can you combine bravery and smartness to bring forth an unstoppable you? And the good news is that most of us possess both traits.

On 4th August 2020, one among my favorite writers; Brian Tracy posted a quiz on His page asking and I quote;

“I’m curious…would you rather be known for being brave or smart?”

See friend, I am always writing … at times for TRT Tv Channel, find me scripting for a show or writing one of my monthly poetic pieces for my music production; but the comments on this post been pushing me to do this piece. I love Facebook for one thing: Approach it with an open mind and you leave that site empowered! It has immense knowledge that people are sharing all over from across the globe.

Don’t forget to check out our you tube channel. We lining up life changing and impactive shows for humanity:

And I love reading, writing and sharing!

So, let’s do this:

How can you combine bravery and smartness to bring forth an unstoppable you? An empowered you?

Let’s look at five (do I say examples or types of bravery and smartness applied when and how; tailor make them to see how you can apply the same in your real-life situation)

1.       Be both!

Braveness gives you the courage to take action and smartness gives you the intelligence to find the best way to deal with the circumstances towards a peaceful or goo or positive ending.

An example is if you were in healthcare – surgeon or a nurse. One may say I will just roll up my sleeves and get it done. But come to think of it; What good is it to complete a heart bypass if it’s not done right?

In such a case you need both; Bravery to be courageous enough to go ahead and do it and at the same time the smartness to do it right. It won’t help if you are smart but are afraid to do it.

 Photo credits to Mr. T.O.D  

2.       Start with the Smart you then apply Braveness.

Being smart is about learning from other people’s problems and mistakes and reducing the impact if the same problem were to happen to you.

Being brave means that you are either going through a problem or have experienced a problem but are still trying to learn and adjust using the lessons you picked from other people’s experience.

You can be brave and smart enough to take on new challenges by preparing yourselves for the challenges ahead…you may not maneuver through them 100% problem free…but the impact of suffering and loses incurred may be less.




3.       Be Smart.

A smart person can make what he sets his/her mind on to come to pass. Even if he is not brave enough to do it by themselves … He / She finds a way to have it done! A brave person can go after things that do not count.

At times am tempted to buy the idea that being brave is risky. But being smart is what sets us apart from animals because we use our mind to solve complex problems.

An example is tendering to supply materials for a project, then go get the materials from people and hardware.


Here is short video version.

Bravery and Smartness in one

4.       Be Brave.

Is it true that this world is full of smart people who end up as nobodies in life? Reason being they would not take risks or get out of their comfort zones!

And you see to be considered smart, one has to be brave. What is the advantage of knowing everything but cower when it comes to making decisions? You don’t press the action bell!


Parting Shot from TRT Editor:

Bravery and smartness are not very different and far from each other. They depend on each other. You can’t be brave if you do not realize what are important things to be brave for and why.


Wisdom is useless without braveness to engage and spring into action. Take the example of graduates who pass very well but will never send their resumes out!

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Blessed month wishes from Mr. T.O.D


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