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This evening at TRT we asking, “How shall we live in order to be happy?” Is it even possible in the first place? You see, the worst use of time and life is to work hard to climb the ladder of success only to find that it is leaning against the wrong building...when you think it's time to access the building and rest - yet in real sense you've to start all over again! Painful and heartbreaking, not so!
If you keen enough, you must have realised that hard work alone is not enough! Should we add the hard working but poor donkey analogy. For some of you like one our friend here who've worked as Sales men or Sales women - going from door to door and office to office you must have met this one particular guy - Who is selling the same product, out of the same office, at the same price, to the same people, under the same competitive conditions - yet he/she is selling vastly more than you and in less time as well!
After our research, we have two truths tonight.
Truth 1: Obstacles exist in life. Yes...they real do!
Truth 2: It is possible and therefore our duty as men and women to proceed as though the limits (this obstacles) to our abilities do not exist. Yes; very possible!
“What are you doing differently from me?”
To be honest, that's the question that will always linger at the back of your mind. To your now, your present - are you working in a company or doing business under the same conditions with an individual and is doing better than you? Same pay, same company but you surviving on loans while the guy has extra to save? This evening we have a reason and solution!
There are reasons for everything that happens: be it for success or failure in any area. If there is something you want, just find out how other people have achieved it. You only find out by first accepting your current situation, swallow your pride and ego and approach Him/Her and ask! Pretty simple...huuh! Within reason, if you just did what they did, you would eventually get the same result.
Here is our first rule:
If you do what other successful people do, nothing can stop you from eventually getting the same results as they do. And if you don’t do what they do, nothing can help you.
“Why is it that some people are more successful than others?” Why is it that some people have more money, better jobs, happier families, vibrant health and exciting lives, and others not? Why do some people drive newer cars, wear nicer clothes and live in better homes. These people always seem to have money in their pockets and in their bank accounts. They dine in fancy restaurants, take beautiful vacations and live more enjoyable, satisfying lives. Why is this?
We will be quick to attribute it to luck may their background and foundation and stuff!
Are people who started off with limited backgrounds and eventually succeeded just lucky? If people worked hard, studied continuously and pulled themselves up into positions of prominence by their own application and effort, was this a matter of luck? Does this explanation mean that people who had come from all over the world, arriving with no friends, no language skills, no money and no opportunities and who had then become successful, were just “lucky?”
Does this mean that people who started off with nothing but who over the course of their working lifetimes became financially independent, self - made millionaires, or even billionaires, were just “lucky?”
No one is born with anything. Some are born in families with everything but die as nothing and some are born where there is nothing and achieve greatly in this life. For every effect in your life there is a cause, or a series of causes, whether you know them, agree with them or not. Nothing happens by chance.
The end of the matter is this: If there is anything you want in life, any effect that you desire, you can probably acquire it. You simply find someone else who has achieved the same result or effect that you desire. You then discipline yourself to do the same things that he or she did, over and over, until you eventually get the same results and rewards. It is completely predictable, and largely under your control.
You Can Improve Your Likelihood of Success
If you want to be successful in any field, and you have clear, written plans that you follow and work on each day, you are much more likely to attain it. If you then study thoroughly and apply yourself to developing the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in your field, you will increase your probabilities of success.
If you associate with the right people, manage yourself and your time extremely well, move quickly when opportunity presents itself, persevere in the face of obstacles, you will “get the breaks.”
If you are willing to take intelligent risks in the pursuit of your clearly defined, intensely desired goals, you will put yourself on the side of the angels. You will increase all of the possible probabilities in your favor. You will achieve the same level of success in one or two years that other people may not have achieved in 10 or 20 years of less focused, less directed behavior. You will create your own future. And it’s not a matter of luck!
Here is the key to creating your own future:
Whatever you want, do everything possible to increase the probabilities of your achieving it. Even one small factor can spell the difference between success and failure. To realize your full potential, you must free yourself as much as possible from randomness and uncertainty. You must organize your life in such a way that the probabilities of achieving your goals are extremely high.
If you examine the history of any great success, and review the many actions that preceded it, you will see a definite pattern emerge. You will see that the successful individual did many little things, sometimes for years, which made the final success possible.
There is a direct relationship between the number of different things you attempt and your likelihood of eventual success. If you read more books, you are much more likely to read something that can help you in your work or personal life. If you make more sales calls, you will be much more likely to meet the prospect who has an immediate need for what you are selling. If you continually innovate and try new methods to achieve your goals or solve your key problems, you are going to be vastly more successful than someone who plays it safe and tries nothing new or different.
Success, however you define it, is not an accident. It is not a result of “good luck” versus “bad luck.” Even if you have not taken the time to clearly identify the steps you took, or failed to take, to get you from where you were to where you are today, there has been a definite process has brought you to where you are at this minute. And the fact is, these actions and behaviors of yours could have brought you to no other place. You are where you are and what you are because of yourself.
It has been your choices and decisions over the months and years that have inevitably determined the condition of your life at this moment. The most wonderful part of this fact is that, at any time, you can start making different choices and decisions for your future. You can start taking different steps, and as a result, you will inevitably arrive at a different place from where you are today.
Actions have consequences.
If there is an effect in your life, such as lack of money, overweight, problems in your relationships, an unsatisfying job or career, or any other difficulty, you can trace that effect back to the things that you did to cause it, and by removing the causes, you can begin to remove the effects, sometimes immediately.
At the beginning, you can decide upon the action. You can control what you do. But once you have launched a particular action, the consequences are often out of your hands. Once you have done or said a particular thing, the consequences take on a power and a force of their own. This is why successful people are more thoughtful about the potential consequences of what they say and do than the average person.
Unsuccessful people, on the other hand, tend to be thoughtless, even careless, about their statements or behaviors, and what might happen as a result of them.
The law of sowing says that whatever you put in, you get out. It also says that whatever you are reaping today is a result of what you have sown in the past.
You can achieve anything you really want in life.
Stay prayerful.
Leave us a comment and we'll be immensely greatful.
This evening at TRT we asking, “How shall we live in order to be happy?” Is it even possible in the first place? You see, the worst use of time and life is to work hard to climb the ladder of success only to find that it is leaning against the wrong building...when you think it's time to access the building and rest - yet in real sense you've to start all over again! Painful and heartbreaking, not so!
If you keen enough, you must have realised that hard work alone is not enough! Should we add the hard working but poor donkey analogy. For some of you like one our friend here who've worked as Sales men or Sales women - going from door to door and office to office you must have met this one particular guy - Who is selling the same product, out of the same office, at the same price, to the same people, under the same competitive conditions - yet he/she is selling vastly more than you and in less time as well!
After our research, we have two truths tonight.
Truth 1: Obstacles exist in life. Yes...they real do!
Truth 2: It is possible and therefore our duty as men and women to proceed as though the limits (this obstacles) to our abilities do not exist. Yes; very possible!
“What are you doing differently from me?”
To be honest, that's the question that will always linger at the back of your mind. To your now, your present - are you working in a company or doing business under the same conditions with an individual and is doing better than you? Same pay, same company but you surviving on loans while the guy has extra to save? This evening we have a reason and solution!
There are reasons for everything that happens: be it for success or failure in any area. If there is something you want, just find out how other people have achieved it. You only find out by first accepting your current situation, swallow your pride and ego and approach Him/Her and ask! Pretty simple...huuh! Within reason, if you just did what they did, you would eventually get the same result.
Here is our first rule:
If you do what other successful people do, nothing can stop you from eventually getting the same results as they do. And if you don’t do what they do, nothing can help you.
“Why is it that some people are more successful than others?” Why is it that some people have more money, better jobs, happier families, vibrant health and exciting lives, and others not? Why do some people drive newer cars, wear nicer clothes and live in better homes. These people always seem to have money in their pockets and in their bank accounts. They dine in fancy restaurants, take beautiful vacations and live more enjoyable, satisfying lives. Why is this?
We will be quick to attribute it to luck may their background and foundation and stuff!
Are people who started off with limited backgrounds and eventually succeeded just lucky? If people worked hard, studied continuously and pulled themselves up into positions of prominence by their own application and effort, was this a matter of luck? Does this explanation mean that people who had come from all over the world, arriving with no friends, no language skills, no money and no opportunities and who had then become successful, were just “lucky?”
Does this mean that people who started off with nothing but who over the course of their working lifetimes became financially independent, self - made millionaires, or even billionaires, were just “lucky?”
No one is born with anything. Some are born in families with everything but die as nothing and some are born where there is nothing and achieve greatly in this life. For every effect in your life there is a cause, or a series of causes, whether you know them, agree with them or not. Nothing happens by chance.
The end of the matter is this: If there is anything you want in life, any effect that you desire, you can probably acquire it. You simply find someone else who has achieved the same result or effect that you desire. You then discipline yourself to do the same things that he or she did, over and over, until you eventually get the same results and rewards. It is completely predictable, and largely under your control.
You Can Improve Your Likelihood of Success
If you want to be successful in any field, and you have clear, written plans that you follow and work on each day, you are much more likely to attain it. If you then study thoroughly and apply yourself to developing the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in your field, you will increase your probabilities of success.
If you associate with the right people, manage yourself and your time extremely well, move quickly when opportunity presents itself, persevere in the face of obstacles, you will “get the breaks.”
If you are willing to take intelligent risks in the pursuit of your clearly defined, intensely desired goals, you will put yourself on the side of the angels. You will increase all of the possible probabilities in your favor. You will achieve the same level of success in one or two years that other people may not have achieved in 10 or 20 years of less focused, less directed behavior. You will create your own future. And it’s not a matter of luck!
Here is the key to creating your own future:
Whatever you want, do everything possible to increase the probabilities of your achieving it. Even one small factor can spell the difference between success and failure. To realize your full potential, you must free yourself as much as possible from randomness and uncertainty. You must organize your life in such a way that the probabilities of achieving your goals are extremely high.
If you examine the history of any great success, and review the many actions that preceded it, you will see a definite pattern emerge. You will see that the successful individual did many little things, sometimes for years, which made the final success possible.
There is a direct relationship between the number of different things you attempt and your likelihood of eventual success. If you read more books, you are much more likely to read something that can help you in your work or personal life. If you make more sales calls, you will be much more likely to meet the prospect who has an immediate need for what you are selling. If you continually innovate and try new methods to achieve your goals or solve your key problems, you are going to be vastly more successful than someone who plays it safe and tries nothing new or different.
Success, however you define it, is not an accident. It is not a result of “good luck” versus “bad luck.” Even if you have not taken the time to clearly identify the steps you took, or failed to take, to get you from where you were to where you are today, there has been a definite process has brought you to where you are at this minute. And the fact is, these actions and behaviors of yours could have brought you to no other place. You are where you are and what you are because of yourself.
It has been your choices and decisions over the months and years that have inevitably determined the condition of your life at this moment. The most wonderful part of this fact is that, at any time, you can start making different choices and decisions for your future. You can start taking different steps, and as a result, you will inevitably arrive at a different place from where you are today.
Actions have consequences.
If there is an effect in your life, such as lack of money, overweight, problems in your relationships, an unsatisfying job or career, or any other difficulty, you can trace that effect back to the things that you did to cause it, and by removing the causes, you can begin to remove the effects, sometimes immediately.
At the beginning, you can decide upon the action. You can control what you do. But once you have launched a particular action, the consequences are often out of your hands. Once you have done or said a particular thing, the consequences take on a power and a force of their own. This is why successful people are more thoughtful about the potential consequences of what they say and do than the average person.
Unsuccessful people, on the other hand, tend to be thoughtless, even careless, about their statements or behaviors, and what might happen as a result of them.
The law of sowing says that whatever you put in, you get out. It also says that whatever you are reaping today is a result of what you have sown in the past.
You can achieve anything you really want in life.
Stay prayerful.
Leave us a comment and we'll be immensely greatful.
mostly people succeed doing what they do best..working from the heart.. doing what they were purposed to do.. the problem nowadays is..
ReplyDeletewe wanna use *hammers* to drive screws...
and *screw drivers* to drive nails..
we put ourselves in spots and dreams not meant for us.. we do things because of gains and not because of love,talent and purpose.. to be successful.. you gotta be that screw driver that drives a screw.. do what you were meant to do.. your purpose... we all cant be doctors, we all can't be farmers..
but if you're purposed for a field.. you'll excel powerfully with that field
mostly people succeed doing what they do best..working from the heart.. doing what they were purposed to do.. the problem nowadays is..
ReplyDeletewe wanna use *hammers* to drive screws...
and *screw drivers* to drive nails..
we put ourselves in spots and dreams not meant for us.. we do things because of gains and not because of love,talent and purpose.. to be successful.. you gotta be that screw driver that drives a screw.. do what you were meant to do.. your purpose... we all cant be doctors, we all can't be farmers..
but if you're purposed for a field.. you'll excel powerfully with that field
Well put, you can achieve anything, just a matter of dedicating effort and time.
ReplyDeleteSure. Thanks Alice.