by Teacher Amos and presented for The Roots Tv. By The Senior Bishop (Teacher
Amos) – School of Life Ministries!
From His book; Create Your Own Future!
Brian Tracy writes…and I quote:
“You have the ability right now…!
To exceed all your previous levels of accomplishment.
You have within you at this moment...!
The talents you need to be, do and have far
more than you have ever achieved in your life to date.
This is because you can learn any skills that you need to
To do any job you need to do,
To achieve any goal that you can set for yourself.”
Hello and welcome to the most impactive and practical shows,
100% Saved…here on
The Roots … Tv.
Call me,
The Snr. Bishop – School of Life Ministries.
We look at How to Maximize on Your Potential … FYI - this are tried and tested facts!
On the show is Tuko Buzz Producer - Lynne Ngugi of Tuko
To give us the Month’s inspiration.
Let’s roll guys…!
Blessed, true to the word and a powerful music minister – is
how I describe her this afternoon!
On the 16th of September 2017 is the time she uploaded her
song – Nachotaka!
A song talking about total dependency on God and His saving
power; and nearly clocking a million views on you tube
Emma Omonge – Is her beautiful name!
What a gem over there!
To date, she has done countless other songs.
Among them is Mungu wa Ishara and my all-time favorite
- Fungua Mbingu.
All Produced by Noel Waitara!
Each and every other Sunday, find her at Citam Thika Road serving
in the Lord’s house!
Let’s appreciate this wonderful minister by watching her
music and sharing far and wide!
Once again, in the comments section;
Share with me one artist and a song from them - that blesses
To the first tried and tested Facts on how to Maximize on
Your Potential.
#1. Concentrate
on the Quality of your Associations and not Quantity!
Better have three quality friends who will support and share
in your ideas,
With love - correct you when you under perform and not just
Encourage you to keep aiming higher,
And can mention your name in places where deals and opportunities
are being discussed!
But look at most of us…!
We are surrounded by hundreds and thousands of friends who
will comment, like our funny posts and jokes we make - but go mute when we post
our products and hustles!
Most of your friends are the type that will gladly support
your critics and those who gossip about you – but can never mention you in
their prayers!
Our friends will only forward to us chain messages – the type
Amen and send to one million friends before evening...!
Yet same friends will never forward you job links – if they
do, it’s two days to the deadline!
And imagine they can’t notify you that;
The Most amazing show - 100% Saved happens every other 1st
Thursday of the month at 2pm, for you to #ComeReceivePower
Look at this post my friend Ng’ash Senior posted!
And the other one - from Edel!
There we go!
Read it for yourself!
Exactly; and this are words from friends and people out
Let me end fact number one with this clip…!
(Video clip of lady trying to settle in life but
friends keep on distracting her)
If this is your situation; that you would like to focus but your
associations are a destruction…here is the way out…!
Without breaking bridges and building walls around you, and
just like Abraham;
Change your surrounding!
More so, sieve through your list of the so-called friends!
Laugh with them but…;
Another Kenyan who understands this well is Papa Jonez -The
When starting out, He was laughed at for His accent; but
this year 2020, January 12th He had this to say!
And with evidence…
Here is an offer for photos, posters, video and audio
editing services at an affordable price! Click on this link for more.
Grab it!
Recently I was viewing interviews on You tube….and this
sentiments from Lynne Ngugi inspired me!
Speak to my family here…...!
I have nothing to add!
Let those who have ears….!
Fact number 2!
#2. Vaccinate
yourself from the “something for nothing” and the “quick fix” disease!
Ever came across these fellows who are always complaining
that so and so - came at the workplace recently – and the management has
promoted them, increased their salary...!
They are complaining and cursing because they’ve been with
the company for the past a million years and they are yet to be offered the
same privileges and goodies!
Your company and the market out here don’t reward your
loyalty and years of stay with them….!
They reward service delivery!
The market is constantly rewarding that man who comes up
with a means for doing or producing anything that is better, faster and/or more
An example …
If you were employed as a Diploma holder… by year three at
that same Company you should have enrolled for part time studies and are now a
degree holder!
In a highly competitive society like today,
It takes many years to become very good at what you do, and
to earn the rewards that accrue to top performance.
Most of us are not willing to make these efforts.
Rather than pulling themselves up, they prefer to pull
others down.
Instead of making progress, they make excuses.
Let’s say today is your 1st read this piece and
in one way or the other we don’t deliver or give you the two facts as promised
– chances of you coming here a 2nd time will be minimal!
The world over,
Great success in any field is largely the result of higher
standards and higher overall levels of performance in that field.
We always see recognition and rewards going to those
individuals and organizations that achieve excellence in competition.
You reading this - are always saluting and praising those who win
in competitive sports… Not so?
Out there,
We only purchase the products and services of those
companies who we feel offer us the very best - for the money we pay.
In each case we see quality and excellence are the measures
we use to choose and reward the best performers… and it has never been
The fact is that the market only pays extraordinary rewards
for extraordinary performance.
The same market still pays ordinary rewards for ordinary
And below average rewards, unemployment and job insecurity, for below average performance.
And that is the pure truth!
Look at Ben C and Naiboi!
Both are musicians, Producers and Entrepreneurs!
Look at Pst. Ng’ang’a ..!
The guy sings, will preach, direct the choir, is a farmer, owns
a Tv Station and hotels all over!
Unlike most Pastors out here who are waiting for their
members to…
Quiz time!
How can one maximize their potential while still
working with their current employer?
And for those who may claim to be earning
little…here is a way out:
If you are working ….i.e are a radio/Tv presenter or work in
a saloon or do food delivery; open a Facebook page to start your own online
services too as you work at your current company.
Get and create connections while you are still at your work
place now! Use that page to market your current employer then with time, leave
your employer and start your own!
For presenters, open a You tube Channel and start giving
content. Drive traffic from your radio show to your you tube channel and start
to build your own fan base!
Jalang’o is a an example!
For Artists…. music involves recording, mixing and
mastering, poster designing and marketing! Get a laptop and learn designing and
marketing using you tube video tutorials; you will save the money you would
have used on the same?
The secret is to believe in yourself; everyone else will
catch up eventually!
from Bishop’s Desk!
Time for the Snr Bishop – School of Life Ministries to sign
out… but not before giving you …!
empty scarlet of ‘Wisdom from Bishop’s Desk)
Dedicating yourself to serving others is the way of life,
that will bring you more luck than you can imagine.
The commitment to service helps you to focus on contributing
value, to those people whose satisfaction determines your own success.
The rule is and has always been:
“Your rewards in life will always be equal to the value of
your service to others.”
summary and Wisdom scarlets)
As always,
Let’s keep the conversation going on in the comments
On our social media handle and share this info far and wide!
Remember the video version to this is on our you tube
You are always treasured from this end…!
I am out!
Get the full video on our You Tube Channel!
And The written version on this blog!
Our social media handles are:
Facebook:The Roots Tv Facebook
The Senior Bishop – School of Life Ministries
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